I use Ubuntu in Chinese language.
And a lot of programme on my Ubuntu have chinese name.
I can open it in Terminal. But I can not search them in Unity.
Because in Unity's dash, I can only input English, can not use input method. So can not input Chinese character.
I use Chinese as my mother language. And I use Chinese input method a lot.
Can someone help me to let me input Chinese character in Unity's dash?
I really like Ubuntu and want to use it more frequently.
Unity doesn't support Chinese, but you can use Kupfer, which can launch programs with Chinese names.
你首先要安装kupfer (First you need to install kupfer)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kupfer-team/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install kupfer
然后你需要打开kupfer. 你可以在Unity Dash里面找到 (Then, you need to open kupfer. You can find it in the Unity dash)
按照下面的图片来做 (Do the following steps):
按Windows key + Space (Hold down the windows key and press space)
Have you looked at this bug? [dash] wrong search result of Unity in Chinese
I think this is fixed in 12.04. Just use ibus for input method, use Ctrl+Space to change to Chinese, and enjoy!! I could not post images, but it works for me well. Sorry~