I am toying with uvtool to quickly create virtual machines. I once used vmbuilder, but its seems to be deprecated in favor of uvtool (or not ?).
When created with uvt, my vm has two virtual disks defined:
- First one is called my-vm-name.qcow, and its size fits the size I asked for the disk. Its type is qcow2.
- Second one is called my-vm-name-ds.qcow, and is small (few hundred mb). Its type is raw.
What is this second disk ?
[EDIT] I've found this in a IRC log:
[15:26] The second disk image is for the cloud-init data source
[15:26] It passes in cloud-init userdata and metadata.
But this is still unclear to me... What does it do. Can I simply remove it ? Should it be backed up with the VM ? ...
[EDIT2] Another piece of information, that seems to confirm vmbuilder might be deprecated in favor of uvtool: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/auto-upgrade-testing/+bug/1261416
Reads: the vm-builder package may be pulled from the archive in trusty due to be un-maintained.
[EDIT3] Yet another piece of information, explaining cloud-init: http://blog.octo.com/cloudinit-kesako/ This is in french.
Answering my own question:
What is my-vm-name-ds.qcow for ?
Can I remove my-vm-name-ds.qcow ?
Why would I want to remove that disk ?