According to "Details" (System Settings-->Details), my Sony VAIO VPC-CB15F is using only my integrated Intel HD Graphics 3000 graphics card (it says the graphics are "Intel Sandybridge Mobile"), however the "Additional Drivers" screen (System Settings-->Software & Updates-->Additional Drivers) seems to imply that I am using my AMD Radeon HD 6630M...
Yes, I have that stupid switchable graphics setup (never again, it's NVIDIA or nothing next time!).
Anyway, the "Additional Drivers" screen (System Settings-->Software & Updates-->Additional Drivers) says that I using "X.Org X Server - AMD/ATI display driver wrapper from xserver-xorg-video-ati (open source, tested)", however I see no way to change between the two graphics cards, use only my Radeon HD 6630M (which would be preferable anyway, if it works without issue) or identify which graphics card I am currently using...
If anyone can give me help getting my Radeon HD 6630M working exclusively or getting the switchable crap setup again (I just did a "clean" install of Ubuntu 14.10), I'd be most appreciative...
You'd better install the proprietary drivers from the release repository :
My previous laptop was nvidia hybrid and it was as difficult as for amd graphic cards to configure :)