In windows, you could navigate tree menus with left/right keys, now in ubuntu 11.04 (and perhaps previous versions?) i have to hold the shift key while i do that, its quite annoying, any way to configure this?
Edit:I've attached a picture indicating the problem:
So in windows, with the focus on the circled element, I could tap the "right key" and it would open up this folder. In ubuntu, in eclipse, nautilus, etc, i have to hold down shift and the right key to get the same behaviour.
I think it boils down to this root issue in GTK: "Please add common keybindings for the TreeView". The reply from a developer:
This issue was opened in 2003, the last substantial comments are also some years old, so I doubt it will be fixed soon...
Currently you can expand a folder using Shift+Left, Space and +.
You can press Space that the folder will open.
I can set it on Ubuntu 14. not trying other versions.
Check "Navigate folders in a tree" in "List View". Now you can use left, right arrow key to open and close folders.