As in topic, I'm trying to parse this json data in to my QML project
So I have list of 188 elements but don't know how to get value of each element...
here is a link to JSONListModel component I used in this example
here is qml code:
import QtQuick 2.0
import Ubuntu.Components 1.1
import "../components"
import Ubuntu.Components.ListItems 1.0 as ListItem
Page {
title:"by Genre")
JSONListModel {
id: json
source: ""
query: "$"
UbuntuListView {
height: parent.height
width: parent.width
clip: true
model: json.model
cacheBuffer: contentHeight
delegate: ListItem.Standard {
text: index + " " + indexValue
I'm no expert on JSONListModel so I may be mistaken, but it seems to be expecting to iterate over a list of Objects. What you get from is a list of strings, which seems to be causing your problems. But since you don't need to do any fancy processing of the result, it's easy to roll this by hand.
What you want to do is parse the response into a list (using
). Then you can go through the elements of the list. For each, you create an object and append that to aListModel
. Note that theListModel
takes objects, not strings. Then the delegate can reference the properties of those objects.Example code:
Let me take a moment to remind you of the importance of posting short, self-contained, correct examples. The code you posted failed to run not because of any problem with parsing JSON, but because a
cannot be a top-level widget. Anyone who tried to help you first had to figure out that before getting to the real problem.Also, when using a non-default component, like
, please note this fact and point us to where it can be found. The less work it takes to reproduce the problem, the better.Actually no data is stored in your ListModel.
I suppose you are using this, from GitHub.
JSONListModel is filled by using the method
append(jsobject dict)
from QtQuick ListModel. This method requires a role and a value to be specified, but the json data you get from contains only the values.For that reason, ListElements are added in your model, but they don't contain any data. You can check this, by adding the following lines in your delegate:
I'd suggest you to read the content of the json file you download from the web, using XMLHttpRequest, and then parse it and add its content to a string list (or a var). You will be able to access the content through a ListView, using the modelData role.