So every once in a while compiz will crash, sometimes randomly, more often when I'm messing with the compiz settings.
I can restart compiz with compiz --replace
, and it fixes the window decoration, etc., but that command never finishes in the terminal. If I close the terminal or ctrl-C, it causes compiz to crash all over. So the only thing I can do is just leave that terminal running (not a great solution).
This is the normal expected behaviour. If you hit CTRL+C compiz will stop. If you want to detach some command from the terminal (so it will not terminate with the terminal, and it will allow you to continue to use it) you can use nohup, like this:
There is much more info in this question.
You can also use the Compiz Fusion Icon, which can easily be installed by dropping in a terminal the next:
And after providing your password the fusion icon will be installed and a shortcut can be reached inside of the "System Tools" menu in the majority of the cases, if not, in a terminal drop the next:
and in the Fusion Icon menu (right click), choose "Reload window manager" in order to force Compiz to reload, after which all your compiz features will get enabled and should not break after closing the Fusion Icon (even from Terminal).
Good Luck!
You can use this as an alternative to nohup:
compiz --replace &