I make a smart playlist of all my purchased music so I have it handy and then I can manipulate it from the music player when I want to make copies, etc.:
As mentioned by Jorge in another answer, there is a filesystem location for purchased music if you really need to know it. However, I never need to; you can drag tracks directly out of Rhythmbox or Banshee onto another folder if you want. My music player is way better at dealing with music than the filer is.
Look for:
~/.ubuntuone/Purchased from Ubuntu One
I make a smart playlist of all my purchased music so I have it handy and then I can manipulate it from the music player when I want to make copies, etc.:
As mentioned by Jorge in another answer, there is a filesystem location for purchased music if you really need to know it. However, I never need to; you can drag tracks directly out of Rhythmbox or Banshee onto another folder if you want. My music player is way better at dealing with music than the filer is.