Pastebin is software that allows a person to save clips of code from many languages, or just text files, and share them with the public as read-only files. See
- Ubuntu 14.04 running as a VM.
- Machine does not have a full registered domain name but has it's own IP address.
- I only want our company employees to access it from within our company via a browser, not from their homes.
- We want to do this to share private code within the company.
- Installing from Ubuntu repo preferred.
- I'd like syntax highlighting for Perl, SQL, and other languages.
- Do I need to set up a web server for this to run on top of? Because I have never tested the web server part. Or will the pastebin software work by itself.
- I'd like to have multiple users. Each user can have the option to keep pastes forever, or expire them as they like.
- I'd like the option to limit number or size of pastes by user if storage space becomes an issue.
You can try to set up Stikked:
The project seems to be actively maintained on GitHub.
Since you edited your question adding the information that you preferred installing an application from the Ubuntu repos, I will suggest Nautilus Pastebin Configurator (nautilus-pastebin-configurator) from the default Ubuntu 14.04 repositories, even though Nautilus Pastebin Configurator doesn't have as many advanced features which you require as Stikked has. Nautilus Pastebin Configurator is a Nautilus extension written in Python, which allows users to upload text-only files to a pastebin service just by right-clicking on them. After sending the files, a notification will be shown and the paste URL copied into the clipboard.
Users can also customize the extension's behavior just by using nautilus-pastebin-configurator, an easy-to-use configuration tool.