I want to update ubuntu 11.04 throught apt-get
So I added the following lines in apt.conf
export http_proxy=http://username:[email protected]:port/
export ftp_proxy=http://username:[email protected]/
export http_proxy=http://deepak:Deepak@[email protected]:3128
My question is: how do I insert special characters to a username or password?
For instance: my password for proxy is Deepak@123 and it is getting an error.
You need to
special characters. So place a\
in front of the@
like so:Alernatively you can also use
.Click on
Kudos You are Done if you set right
If your password or username contains
you can percent-encode (also referred as URL encoding) it as%40
in the proxy url. For more special characters see hereEven more simple and Reliable!
General Syntax:
{http,https,ftp}_proxy -> http, https, ftp urls. Seperated by comma.
--timeout=5 -> Connection to keep alive in seconds.
-no-check-certificate -> Ignore SSL / Certificate Verification.
--spider -> If you want to test the connectivity without downloading the file.
Online Converter:
Replace special characters with its equivalent hexadecimal unicode. For a list of unicodes refer the website https://unicode-table.com (or) http://unicodelookup.com
Local Converter using Python:
Reference: conversion of password "p@s#w:E" to unicode will be as follows,