After the installation of electricsheep, the screensaver won't work: it starts fading to black then, when it should display the screensaver, it suddenly goes back to desktop. I read that disabling compiz should fix this behaviour but I don't want to go 2d-unity. I'm using Natty. Any suggestion?
I found a whole lot of posts talking about this kind of problem: it doesn't seems to be related to electrisheep but to gnome-screensaver itself.
I tried with some stock screensavers experiencing the same behaviour: I then installed XScreenSaver and it works like a charm (googling for how to use electricsheep with XScreenSaver it wasn't that hard...)
sudo aptitude install xscreensaver electricsheep
xscreensaver -nosplash
gedit ~/.xscreensaver
): at the bottom of the screensaver's list you'll have to addGL: electricsheep --root 1 \n\
, otherwise you'll not be able to see it in xscreensaverxscreensaver-demo
to set it up: you can also manage your power saving settings