I am exploring the autofs with ubuntu, and I got it working, but something doesn't quite make sense to me.
this is what I got:
$ pwd
$ ls
kvm_the_1st.img lost+found success
as you can see it mounts successfully. My problem is the number of folders that exists as the path to get to my stuff.
My auto.master:
/nfs /etc/auto.nfs
My auto.nfs:
nfs -fstype=nfs4 nfs:/
on the NFS server I have the following for export:
/mnt/nfs_export *(rw,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)
I am guessing it is because my auto.master specifies /nfs, then my auto.nfs has another nfs, then the root directory that gets exported from the NFS right? But shouldn't it only export the nfs_export?
I had wanted to set it up so the /nfs would go directly to the export_nfs folder on the nfs server. Meaning if I cd into /nfs I should see files such as "success".
and a follow up question: I know via manual nfs via /etc/fstab I can change things such as rsize and wsize, but with autofs where/how would I make that change?
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