I had a problem when I start Rational Team Concert 4.0.6 which is installed on Rational Software Architect 9.1.2 (eclipse 4.2) on Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit.
I also had the same problem as described by this defect JVM Terminated. Exit Code=160 when submitting build in RTC Eclipse elient
I tried the following solutions:
the Eclipse Juno (4.2.1) crashes frequently after upgrading to Ubuntu12.10 from 12.04 (both 64bits)? question
This didn't work with me
The solution came finally but on pieces so I am not sure if one piece is only needed or all of them but I will list them all here.
Add the following parameters in the eclipse.ini. I think from my trials that the first part only is enough. However, when it works I was not interested to continue to test it :). Please note that "/opt/xulrunner" is the folder path, not the application
-Dorg.eclipse.swt.browser.DefaultType=mozilla -Dorg.eclipse.swt.browser.XULRunnerPath=/opt/xulrunner
The last item when I think it is mandatory and it is coming from this article. The crash is caused by a bug in the GTK theme, which is the default theme selection in Window->Preferences->General->Appearance. To fix that you must change the theme selection from the default setting to the "Classic" setting