I used to have lm-sensors
and sensors-applet
working correctly on Ubuntu 11.04. I just updated to Ubuntu 11.10, and lm-sensors
is installed, but sensors-applet
does not seem to be in the repository any more. Is there a way to still have it working?
You'll be needing Alex Murray’s excellent Hardware Sensors Indicator for Unity. Only available from PPA at the moment:
The psensor application lets you graph the fan/temperature info, but like you I am missing a notification-area indicator for this. Maybe Indicator-multiload could help, but it doesn't seem to present sensor information at the moment. Indicators-sysmonitor seems only to function with CPU load at the moment, even though it presents lm-sensors information in its configuration. Yet another edit: indicator-sensors does read lm-sensors inputs, and displays them, but only as a label/temp, not a graph. It does allow a high or low warning to be set though, so it's better than nothing.
Installing and using GNOME instead of Unity and following this guide ( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=92504 ) allows you to use sensors-applet with ubuntu 11.10! (sensors-applet was removed from the 11.10 repo!!!) Just make sure you download the current source of sensors-applet here http://sensors-applet.sourceforge.net/index.php?content=source
Use this direct link to download until the repository will be availabe for 12.04 http://ppa.launchpad.net/alexmurray/indicator-sensors/ubuntu/pool/main/i/indicator-sensors/
I just tested and for me works great
indicator-sensors from Alex Murray is excellent. Psensor is another similar tool, available in the stock Ubuntu repositories since Oneiric. You can find Ubuntu detailed installation instruction at: http://wpitchoune.net/blog/psensor/ubuntu-integration/.