I've got a problem with Wine. I installed the package I found in the Ubuntu Software Center but it doesn't work with Biblioteca PC (that is a German dictionary). I have Ubuntu 11.10 and it worked fine with Ubuntu 11.04.
Do I need to install something else, or is there any other way to get the program running under Wine?
В Ubuntu 11.04 программа работала нормально(стояло Wine1.3).После обновления до Ubuntu 11.10 и обновления Wine1.3 до Wine1.3.31 - появились проблемы.Убрал Wine1.3.31 и поставил Wine1.2 - всё заработало как и в Ubuntu 11.04.Буду рад,если это поможет.
Google Translate:
In Ubuntu 11.04 program worked just fine (standing Wine1.3). After upgrading to Ubuntu 11.10 and upgrade to Wine1.3 Wine1.3.31 - appeared problemy.Ubral Wine1.3.31 and put Wine1.2 - it worked as well in Ubuntu 11.04.Budu happy if it helps.