VirtualBox suddenly started to refuse launching existing VMs, with this appearing in the log:
00:00:03.946244 HDA: Reset
00:00:03.946359 AssertLogRel /mnt/tinderbox/extpacks-5.0/src/VBox/Devices/USB/DevEHCI.cpp(4955) int ehciR3Construct(PDMDEVINS*, int, CFGMNODE*): PDM_VERSION_ARE_COMPATIBLE((pDevIns)->pHlpR3->u32Version, PDM_DEVHLPR3_VERSION)
00:00:03.946378 DevHlp=0xffe700f1 mine=0xffe700e1
00:00:03.946407 PDM: Failed to construct 'usb-ehci'/0! VERR_PDM_DEVHLPR3_VERSION_MISMATCH (-2871) - The device helper structure version has changed.
00:00:03.946421 If you have upgraded VirtualBox recently, please make sure you have terminated all VMs and upgraded any extension packs. If this error persists, try re-installing VirtualBox.
00:00:04.037170 NAT: zone(nm:mbuf_cluster, used:0)
00:00:04.037303 NAT: zone(nm:mbuf_packet, used:0)
00:00:04.037317 NAT: zone(nm:mbuf, used:0)
00:00:04.037328 NAT: zone(nm:mbuf_jumbo_pagesize, used:0)
00:00:04.037422 NAT: zone(nm:mbuf_jumbo_9k, used:0)
00:00:04.037488 NAT: zone(nm:mbuf_jumbo_16k, used:0)
00:00:04.037530 NAT: zone(nm:mbuf_ext_refcnt, used:0)
00:00:04.039388 VMSetError: /build/virtualbox-JETMa8/virtualbox-5.0.14-dfsg/src/VBox/VMM/VMMR3/VM.cpp(365) int VMR3Create(uint32_t, PCVMM2USERMETHODS, PFNVMATERROR, void*, PFNCFGMCONSTRUCTOR, void*, VM**, UVM**); rc=VERR_PDM_DEVHLPR3_VERSION_MISMATCH
00:00:04.039394 VMSetError: The device helper structure version has changed.
00:00:04.039394 If you have upgraded VirtualBox recently, please make sure you have terminated all VMs and upgraded any extension packs. If this error persists, try re-installing VirtualBox.
00:00:04.039582 ERROR [COM]: aRC=NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005) aIID={872da645-4a9b-1727-bee2-5585105b9eed} aComponent={ConsoleWrap} aText={The device helper structure version has changed.
00:00:04.039587 If you have upgraded VirtualBox recently, please make sure you have terminated all VMs and upgraded any extension packs. If this error persists, try re-installing VirtualBox. (VERR_PDM_DEVHLPR3_VERSION_MISMATCH)}, preserve=false aResultDetail=0
00:00:04.116659 Console: Machine state changed to 'PoweredOff'
00:00:04.338867 Power up failed (vrc=VERR_PDM_DEVHLPR3_VERSION_MISMATCH, rc=NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0X80004005))
00:00:04.349471 GUI: UIMachineViewNormal::resendSizeHint: Restoring guest size-hint for screen 0 to 2789x1563
00:00:04.349542 ERROR [COM]: aRC=E_ACCESSDENIED (0x80070005) aIID={7303a66d-433b-25a4-f9a8-fcadf87e0c2a} aComponent={DisplayWrap} aText={The console is not powered up}, preserve=false aResultDetail=0
How to fix the problem?
This is typical behavior of VirtualBox after it has been upgraded by Ubuntu while it was running.
It should now work with any VM that worked previously.
Actually, the log contains this very tip:
If you have upgraded VirtualBox recently, please make sure you have terminated all VMs and upgraded any extension packs
.If you need to get this running and you don't have internet you can remove the extension pack:
And set USB controller to 1.1 in machine you want to boot. Select it, then:
That should allow you to boot. You will not have extensions available, but is may get you through until you get internet. When you get online follow Nicolas Raoul' answer
This is how it worked for me after upgrading from Ubuntu 15.10 to Ubuntu 16.04:
sudo apt-get remove virtualbox
sudo apt-get remove virtualbox-dkms
(AMD64 for Ubuntu 16.04, if you're on 64bit. Otherwise, choose i386)
sudo dpkg -i virtualbox-5.0_...
You can now run VirtualBox (find in launcher or run
) and all virtual machines will be working again!