1) Is there some alternative to gnome-online-accounts (GOA) for use in Xubuntu?
2) If I install gnome-online-accounts in Xubuntu it pulls in the following dependencies
The following NEW packages will be installed:
apg cracklib-runtime cups-pk-helper dconf-cli dleyna-server gir1.2-ibus-1.0 gkbd-capplet
gnome-bluetooth gnome-control-center gnome-control-center-data gnome-control-center-shared-data
gnome-online-accounts gnome-settings-daemon gnome-settings-daemon-schemas gnome-user-share ibus
libcanberra-pulse libcheese-gtk23 libcolord-gtk1 libcrack2 libdleyna-connector-dbus-1.0-1
libdleyna-core-1.0-3 libgnome-bluetooth13 libgnomekbd-common libgnomekbd8 libgoa-backend-1.0-1
libgupnp-av-1.0-2 libgupnp-dlna-2.0-3 libibus-1.0-5 libpwquality-common libpwquality1
libtelepathy-glib0 libwacom-bin libwacom-common libwacom2 mousetweaks nautilus-data realmd
It doesn't look fun and my question is if you can foresee any problems with having these dependencies installed in Xubuntu (15.10)?
Took the plunge and installed the gnome-online-accounts. No adverse effects seen yet.
In order to use GOA you need to start gnome-control-center as follows:
to trick the desktop to believe it is running GNOME. Worked fine after that and provided Evolution in my case the right authentications for Gmail/Calender etc.