When I was using Windows, I had an application called MiniLyrics which let me display the lyrics of the music files played. The application automatically downloads the lyrics and displays them while the song plays. Is there a similar application in Ubuntu that I could use?
After a bit of Google researching, I ended up with this article on OMG!Ubuntu. The OSD-Lyrics they suggested works like the way Minilyrics used to work. So, I am delighted.
OSDLyrics can be installed by the following steps:
Why have a separate app for lyrics and not have them within the player? Maybe the external app like osdlyrics has a larger database? In fact it is far from matching Clementine's or that of Foobar2000 addons like Lyric Show Panel 3.
Foobar2000 in Wine/Playonlinux (excellent access to synced lyrics option to save them in tags etc):
I trust there are other good players to be used for this.
There is also a screenlet lyrics (works great with Banshee), all you need to do is to install Screenlets(widget applications):
Note: Installing software from PPA may pose a security risk.
And then add Lyrics widget to the desktop.
The plugin that has to be stated is called LyricWiki.
Audacious GTK, in Settings>Plugins:
Lyrics are shown in a separate window:
The above is the GTK UI, but that window looks the same with the classic Winamp-like interface:
Once closed, that window needs to be enabled by selecting the plugin again as above.
The same is true for Audacious Qt interface, but there the lyrics window can be integrated within the main one.
With the Qt UI we can increase fonts by scrolling while holding CTRL.
Similarly, the plugin needs to be enabled: Edit>Settings>Plugins>General
Then, select track in playlist and press CTRL-L, or: right click, Actions. Sadly, this has to be done for each track, as the lyrics window keep showing the first ones.
It seems the plugin searches before opening the window. No window opened means no lyrics available.
To increase fonts, scroll while holding CTRL.
On 14.04, if you are using Banshee, you can check this answer, as the lyrics plugin seems still broken to the date.
The script found there is simple and I believe it can be easily updated to work with other music players.
The following lyrics packages can be installed from the default Ubuntu repositories in all currently supported versions of Ubuntu (12.04/14.04/16.04/16.10/17.04/17.10/18.04).