lspci gives me these two devices:
$ lspci | grep Audio
00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio (rev 05)
02:00.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc RV710/730
There are two devices listed in System Settings|Sound|Output:
- RV710/730 Digital Stereo (HDMI)
- Internal Audio Analog Stereo
And finally, the are not muted!
Also, when I run an application that accesses the sound card, I can see it in the Applications tab.
Any ideas?
It seems that the new kernel update (3.0.0-13) solved the problem.
I am depending on a previous Launchpad q/a (last answer) [1] and suggest compiling Alsa. But instead of grabbing Realtek drivers (same as Alsa) just download latest files via [2]. You need to download just alsa-driver, alsa-lib and alsa-utils packages. Pick latest ones which has 1.0.24 version. After that just compile the packages as explained there.
If you get an error about panelw library while compiling alsa-utils, just change the configure step as this:
I had the same problem. I solved reinstalling alsa modules sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-$(uname -r)