I have English, Ukrainian, Russian, Greek and Chinese Pinyin input languages (ordered as switched by keyboard shortcut) on Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit. If Pinying have been selected by keyboard shortcut the Chinese word "hao" appears as "ηαο" (in Greek letters). Swithing Pinyin after Russian/Ukrainian by mouse cause "рфщ" (Cyrillic). There is only one way to obtain right Chinese "好": switch to English (or other Latin) and after that directly switch to Pinyin. Is it possible to directly switch from any language to Pinyin? Is it a bug of the input language or something wrong in settings?
With best regards. Viktor.
As a workaround I use M17N for Russian layout:
ibus engine m17n:ru:kbd
But its drawback is absence of Compose key.
This is a bug. It only happens when you use a shortcut to switch to other languages to Chinese. My solution is putting an English keyboard in front of the Chinese keyboard in language and region settings in Ubuntu 18.04.