Like gnome Control + alt + L
In Lxde how can i do that? What I have to intall to do this?
--searching for a solution on my own but...
ok if I do alt+f2 and type xscreensaver-command -lock that's a small solution. tryed to do an small script but it's not working..
this is what I do
xscreensaver-command -lock
exit 0
chmod +x
but this doesnt work.. ideas?
You should be able to bind the screensaver lock command to CTRL+ALT+L by editing your Lubuntu keyboard & mouse configuration file
Add the following to
This should be located inbetween the XML tags
Logout and login for the changes to take effect.
I would elaborate/combine some of the answers. First (in a terminal) start your editor:
Then search for the mentioned faulty code:
and change it to use the dm-tool:
Then add a section, so the Windows+L combination works too:
Finally, finish the editor (saving the file) and activate it:
Good luck and thanks for all the answers found here...
We can also use "lxlock" command that's provided by the lxde. I just found it on Ubuntu 14.04. We can add the below lines in our openbox config file in the keyboard.
vim $HOME/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml
And then restart the openbox with the following command.
openbox --restart
This will enable locking of the desktop by hitting Windows Key + L
I'm not good at scripts but I would do it like this (and it should work): contents:
In terminal:
Better way is to create a .desktop file (which you can place on panel inside of "Application launch bar" applet, and it will be in main menu all the time). In
create filelock.desktop
and it should contain:Save it and it should appear in menu (maybe after few seconds)