I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, and when I boot, it asks me if I want to upgrade to the next distro. I say yes, but during that process, I get a message saying "missing file: 1.0.1 ubuntu 2.13" After that attempt, I tried updating my current system, and I get a message saying it can't update it. How can I upgrade? Thank you much!
Try this:
Open a terminal,
Press Ctrl+Alt+T
Run it:
Reboot your system to finish installing updates, and to upgrade to new available version:
Open a terminal,
Press Ctrl+Alt+T
Run it:
Software Updater will show up and search for the new release, after a few seconds, you will see a screen like below that saying:
However, Ubuntu 16.04 is available now.
Press the button Upgrade to start upgrading to Ubuntu 16.04.
The Software Updater will ask you to confirm still you want to upgrade, press Start Upgrade to begin installing Ubuntu 16.04.
Now, the Software Updater will prepare to start setting up new software channels, and after a few minutes, the software updater will notify you the details the number of packages are going to be removed, and number of packages are going to be installed, press Start upgrade to continue.
Ended the dist-upgrade, reboot your system and:
Open a terminal,
Press Ctrl+Alt+T
Run it: