I tried running systemctl unmask idmapd
and then service idmapd restart
, but it still gives me the same error.
I'm on Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit and my server is also Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit.
When I check if it's running, I get this:
service idmapd status
● idmapd.service
Loaded: masked (/dev/null; bad)
Active: inactive (dead)
And for the other one:
$ service nfs-idmapd status
● nfs-idmapd.service - NFSv4 ID-name mapping service
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/nfs-idmapd.service; static; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: inactive (dead)
$ service nfs-idmapd start
Failed to start nfs-idmapd.service: Unit nfs-server.service not found.
You need to use sudo to unmask and mask services.
The command:
should do the trick. Then:
I believe
replaces this service. You will need the following packages:If that doesn't work, purge the offending packages and then reinstall them.
looks like your nfs-server package has problems
suggests that either the nfs-server.service file is missing or its in the wrong place. You could try to start it manually to test this theory
have a look for it in /etc/systemd/ to see if you cant find it, it you are lucky its just in the wrong target folder