I really dislike the slight dark-purple tint to the side-launcher bar and shell surrounding the menu after pressing the meta key. How can I set this to another color?
There are configure options available for Unity here but there is no option for this, so I am looking for pointers in the code where this can be set.
(This is an incomplete answer that needs improvement and investigation, but should provide someone who knows C++ with enough detail to find the real answer)
By default the Launcher uses a light gray semi-transparent color. When you hit invoke the dash, the entire thing takes on a blurred look based on the averages of your wallpaper colors. I asked Marco Trevisan where this can be modified, but it's in a bunch of places.
However, for the launcher when it's just sitting there you need to look in Launcher.cpp:
First grab the code:
Then look in
for the_background_color
variable and adjust accordingly.My trick (has to be re-done every restart / log in):
* MyUnity (program) -> Dash -> Blur ON (or, at your own risk: ccsm -> unity plugin -> experimental -> blur -> static)
* prepare a bitmap (image) of your desired color and desktop size
* log out
* don't invoke the dash!
* open the prepared image in the default viewer, go full screen mode and press the WinKey
From now on the Dash will be almost the color you wanted to be.
this just was posted http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/01/how-to-change-the-unity-dash-color-in-ubuntu-11-10/ hope this helps :-)