Firefox drains my batteries (bad habit of the lazybone), so I would like to STOP it for a while and then resume it again. I tried killall but without much success:
$ ps h kpcpu -eo pcpu,comm | tail -n2
3.2 wget
35.7 firefox
$ killall -i -s STOP firefox
Signal firefox(9661) senden? (y/N) y
$ ps h kpcpu -eo pcpu,comm | tail -n2
3.3 wget
35.7 firefox
$ killall -s CONT firefox
$ ps h kpcpu -eo pcpu,comm | tail -n2
3.4 wget
35.5 firefox
Well, the stopped firefox does not react to mouse anymore, but as you see it keeps on draining MY batteries. Do I deserve such a treatment??? Is there any smart genius to persuade firefox to behave bravely? :-)
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