Does anyone knows why have I this message with the new update of samba on ubuntu 16.04.1?
Paramétrage de samba (2:4.3.9+dfsg-0ubuntu0.16.04.3) ...
Failed to add /run/systemd/ask-password to directory watch: No space left on device:
Since I have so much space, I don't understand :
df -h
Sys. de fichiers Taille Utilisé Dispo Uti% Monté sur
udev 16G 0 16G 0% /dev
tmpfs 3,2G 11M 3,2G 1% /run
/dev/sda2 107G 49G 53G 48% /
tmpfs 16G 184K 16G 1% /dev/shm
tmpfs 5,0M 4,0K 5,0M 1% /run/lock
tmpfs 16G 0 16G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sdi2 367G 343G 5,2G 99% /media/divers
/dev/sda1 110G 366M 104G 1% /opt
/dev/sdm1 147G 136G 11G 93% /media/nfsmedia/syno/usb4
/dev/sdq1 74G 69G 1,1G 99% /media/nfsmedia/syno/usb8
/dev/sdp1 459G 453G 5,6G 99% /media/nfsmedia/syno/usb1
/dev/sde2 735G 684G 14G 99% /media/series
/dev/sdo1 1,8T 1015G 726G 59% /media/nfsmedia/syno/usb3
/dev/sdr1 74G 68G 1,6G 98% /media/nfsmedia/syno/usb7
/dev/mapper/RAIDSTOCK-RAID5FSTOCK 9,0T 7,3T 1,4T 85% /media/RAIDFORSTOCK
/dev/mapper/RAID1FORDOCK-DOCK 550G 303G 220G 58% /media/DOCK
cgmfs 100K 0 100K 0% /run/cgmanager/fs
tmpfs 3,2G 0 3,2G 0% /run/user/1004
// 1,9T 1,7T 179G 91% /media/smbseries/nsa
// 930G 807G 123G 87% /media/smbseries/nasa
tmpfs 3,2G 12K 3,2G 1% /run/user/123
tmpfs 3,2G 0 3,2G 0% /run/user/1000
As discussed in a Red Hat bug report, it turns out that the Crashplan back-up service is the most likely culprit. It uses many inotify watches and, eventually, eats them all up.
The immediate fix is to run:
to make more watches available.
The long-term fix is to edit the file
to include the line:I'm not reputable enough to comment on the accepted answer, but I wanted to say that it's by no means limited to CrashPlan. Dropbox and other file sharing platforms use inotify watches per inode to detect when an upstream sync needs to occur. Malware detectors may have watches on directories. Other backup tools besides CrashPlan might, as well.
To see what's consuming inotify watches, use