I accidentally installed sometime ago the Realplayer to test embedding videos inside PDFs. Anyhow this turned out not to work and wouldn't have been portable eitherway, so I decide to get rid of this tool again. Since its not a package I cannot uninstall with apt-get or dpkg. Its Realplayer 11 Gold.
You need to know the files it installed. So basically what I would suggest is to find out their locations with:
Then you can delete all those files, and it is hopefully gone.
AFAIK you have to run the postuninstall script first. When installed in the /opt folder it is:
sudo /opt/real/RealPlayer/postinst/postuninst.sh
Then it is safe to remove the /opt/real folder and subfolders.
When installed in another folder, run the postuninst.sh script from that folder