I tried to setup a login password using lower & upper case letters of the form User followed by numbers (where User is my User name and the password is thus composed of at least 8 characters). I've also tried initials with numbers. I keep on getting not good enough. I haven't been able to find a definitive set of rules for the login password. Could anyone point me to a definitive set of rules for login passwords?
If you have no real interest in security you can avoid having to enter your password by having the system login automatically.
If you however do want a secure password (which would be sensible in most cases) the following guidelines are recommended.
Source: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords
Edit: If you want to enforce strong passwords or relax password requirements all this is configurable by editing
The file is heavily commented and pretty self-explanatory. Details on the respective options can be found on the man pageFrom https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/user-management.html:
So it should be fine. If you have access to
you could comment a word TEMPORARY and use it til you get your account properly set up. (If you don't I recommend a live cd)