I have some weird Skype crashes today. If I try to close it via the X nothing happens. I tried to kill the process over the KDE Process Manager (Ctrl
I even tried to kill Skype via the terminal:
killall skype
kill (skypes process number)
None of the both worked. Right now I got to relogin to get it working again, and it keeps crashing every 15mins. I'm using KDE 4.7 and Ubuntu 11.10.
These days killall will also let you pass in a signal (to save you needing to look up a PID):
use this :
kill -9 $(pgrep skype)
To kill a process/application in a Terminal type
this will show the skype process ID
e.g, it shows,
in GUI configure a short cut key for xKill, (like I have configured to Ctrl + Alt + Bkspace) once you will press the combination, you will get a small cross symbol X instead of mouse cursor .... select the application window with that cross cursor with mouse and it will kill that application.
I automated all this:
file which contained:Made this file executeable
, madeskype-shutdown.desktop
containing:Made a
file which you can download from http://www.freemed.info/.download/stop-skype.pngOpened Files and dragged the
to Cairo Dock.This resulted in an icon on which one can click to stop all Skype processes.
See: http://www.freemed.info/.download/Skype-shutdown.png
ps -ef
lists all proccess .grep skype
filters only skype proccessawk {print'$2'}
retrieves the 2nd column of output which isPID
Create a bat-file and put this in:
taskkill /f /im "SkypeApp.exe" /im "Skype.exe" /im "SkypeBackgroundHost.exe" /im "SkypeBridge.exe"
Open task scheduler and create a task on logon with 1 minute delay and link it to the bat-file.
After restart roll-over the skype icon and it will disappear (it's a refresh :)