Apt-add-repository papa:f-Mariana/ubuntu-builder Shows no installation candidate I also updated the repo Apt-add-repository papa:f-Mariana/ubuntu-builder Shows no installation candidate I also updated the repo
If you examine the PPA page you will see a button marked 'series'. It appears that ubuntu-builder has not been updated since Feb, 2014, and the latest version of Ubuntu that there is a release for, is Ubuntu Saucy (13.10). An image of that page is below.
Your options at this point would be to contact the package creator, or find the source files and compile the program yourself.
The last version of Ubuntu that the author built their ubuntu-builder program was for saucy.
When you tried the
command, it created a .list file that used your current Ubuntu version as the repository that it should search for... I'll guess xenial... and the author has no such repository, hence you couldn't install the program.First...
Your commands should have been... (and the first command should probably be repeated)
Now, if you wish to take a medium risk, and hope that ubuntu-builder still works with your current version of Ubuntu, you can fix it so that you can install it.