After deciding elementary OS is too temperamental for my laptop, I decided to replace it with Ubuntu 17.04. I have Windows 10 installed in a separate partition and have successfully dual booted Linux in the past. This time, however, towards the very end of the installation process, I get a warning telling me that the installer was unable to install the Grub2 bootloader.
I am using a USB installation media created using Rufus 2.15. Following the advice of answers to various similar questions, I have so far ensured that the installation media is created on a freshly FAT32-formatted USB stick, and have attempted installation both directly from the boot menu and from a Live session. I also ran the boot-info utility that generated a Boot-Info log.
I have found on some systems, that the error isn't actually the install but grub update that fails. the file /etc/grub.d/30_uefi-firmware errors breaking the creation of grubs config file.
edit it to read:
and the grub install should complete. the last line of the installer menu should be a command line, nano is the editor. if not then complete install without the bootloader and make the corections via a live cd. then update grub for the installation.