I'm on Ubuntu 11.10, have installed Monodevelop-2.8.5, on the first run, it said the xsp2 server was missing, I installed that.
Now, the application builds successfully, but, when I run my application, it just opens google chrome (and not my application). What is the problem?
The application output is,
Registering application:
Host: any
Port: any
Virtual path: /
Physical path: /home/tarun/MyWebsite/MyWebsite/
Listening on address:
Root directory: /home/tarun/MyWebsite/MyWebsite
Listening on port: 8080 (non-secure)
When I try to open, on chrome, I get the following error :
Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to
But, works just fine.
It looks like to be a chrome-related problem, so you should set any other browser as default browser on your system. Maybe monodevelop has a config option regarding the web browser to start, so you should check monodevelop's config options too.