There is a way to periodically blindly empty the trash on a Ubuntu 16.04 LTS system for a specific user.
Start with a script that contains the following lines:
rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash/*
then use cron to have it run on a periodic basis.
(In fact, this works under Raspbian and other versions of Debian, also)
But what if it would be preferable to keep files for xx days, or until free space drops below yy, or some other parameter?
The question is in the title: How can I set up Ubuntu 16.04 to automatically empty the trash based on parameters?
Turns out there is a program called autotrash that works under Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
Here is an article that describes how it works:
Automatically Empty the Trash in Ubuntu
--> This article is informative but is older, so do not follow the install instructions.
Instead, just do this:
Then the program is executed by entering the autotrash command with arguments.
This can be run periodically by cron, and based on specific parameters:
Those arguments are described in detail in the
man page for autotrash for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
The man page goes on to describe many other options.