I would like to paste my whole clipboard history consisting of words copied (Ctrl+C/by selection) during my reading sessions. I installed programs like Glippy and ClipIt but I couldn't figure out how to paste all the words, if ever exists such an option in these programs, I copy to a simple text file at once, not one word at a time. Can someone help me out?
Thank you!
You can see some strings in clipit history file with this command:
But it's not the best way. The output may be garbled.
there is python script for ClipIt run it like this
python cliphist.py > clipit.history.txt
The latest version of Parcellite has a Save As menu item when clicking the icon. This will save all the history entries to a file. There is also a paste all when right-clicking the history list, which will place the entire history list on the clipboard. The preferences have a Paste All delimiter that it will put at the end of each entry.
https://sourceforge.net/projects/parcellite/files/parcellite/parcellite-1.1.1/ ppa here: https://launchpad.net/~rickyrockrat/+archive/ppa
Install KDE's Klipper Clipboard Manager
and use the following simple script:
Note: This does not behave very well in Unity so it seems. So in other desktop environments than KDE: your mileage may vary.
Modified code from @stepan-shamaiev for
Python 3
and without setting of separator:user Parcellite, left click on its icon, "clear", select how many times you want, after that, "edit clipboard" and copy it all! Remember so set preference: use primary selection, to make it easier to copy the text!