After years of struggling with how to maintain my family photo collection, I have a solid process down. Our phones synchronize to the file server to a specific directory. Later, a script I wrote automatically sorts the pictures, thereby moving them from the temporary directory to their final location. The structure looks like this.
/media/vault = the main samba share /media/vault/pictures/year/month
We have 25 years of pictures. 12 months per year. Grand total is about 44,000 images and videos.
AC wifi is great, but sometimes it's a bit "meh" when I fire up a directory and have to wait for the thumbnails to be generated. I got to wondering if I could "pre-cache" the thumbnails. I suspect this would be done via some sort of script, but I wasn't too sure where to start. I got to wondering if I could somehow trigger over CLI the "call" Nautilus would impose when you navigate to the share when it executes the act of generating thumbnails. That way I could set a depth level and target vault/pictures/* or whatever and hit every sub directory underneath. Maybe I'm looking at this with rose tinted glasses, but that's my idea anyway.
The only alternative I can think of is opening Nautilus with a slew of tabs. One for 2000/01, 2000/02, 2000/03, and repeat... for every year... every month... and let it rip overnight. I mean, I could do that -- but if I could figure out a more direct approach, I'd prefer that.
Anybody have any guesses to get started? Appreciate any responses!
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