I use Bluetooth for my headphones and it used to work more or less in Ubuntu 17.10 (had to redo the pairing process sometimes but then it worked out). After I installed Dash-to-Panel-Extension for GNOME for whatever reason the Bluetooth adapter turned off and won't turn on again.
In my Bluetooth settings it says 'Bluetooth Turned Off'. I can push the button to turn it on, but nothing happens.
Also I can press the "turn on" button in the Panel, but nothing happens.
Things I've tried:
- Deactivating Dash-to-Panel Extension (and restart computer)
sudo service bluetooth start
sudo apt-get install --reinstall bluez
reinstalled all Bluetooth components with
sudo apt install bluez bluez-cups bluez-obexd gnome-bluetooth indicator-bluetooth libbluetooth3:amd64 libgnome-bluetooth13:amd64 pulseaudio-module-bluetooth
Different variations of turning the bluetooth switch of my laptop off and on and restarting
rfkill list all
lspci -knn | grep Net -A3; lsusb; dmesg | grep -i blue
Output:bluetoothctl list
Now I'm running out of ideas. Are there any other approaches?
As loge as it's not your hardware problem an upgrade will fix it (probably) so consider upgrading to latest stable release.
Note: before you do so make bootable device and check if it's not your hardware problem by running a live Ubuntu OS. if Bluetooth works in live mode consider upgrading to latest LTS release
it will fix the issue. last time i had the issue i done the something it worked for me.