I'm using netstat
to monitor my Ubuntu server and I've found things as below:
tcp 1 0 localhost:48604 localhost:11311 CLOSE WAIT 29511/st
atic transf
tcp 0 0 localhost:50810 X86U145:35723 ESTABLISHED 30019/nm
tcp 0 0 X86U145:42079 localhost:56772 ESTABLISHED 29535/ve
unix 3 [] STREAM CONNECTED 438037 29071/python
unix 3 [] STREAM CONNECTED 478854 29071/python
unix 3 [] STREAM CONNECTED 478852 29071/python
unix 3 [] STREAM CONNECTED 487641 28978/gksudo
unix 3 [] STREAM CONNECTED 436126 28978/gksudo
unix 3 [] STREAM CONNECTED 473434 28978/gksudo
What do these lines mean?
unix 3 [] STREAM CONNECTED 438037 29037/python
In the output of
netstat -p
means that process number 29037 running Python has a connection over a Unix domain socket (a socket for local inter-process communication).