The UMPC HTC Shift is about 4 years old but could anyone tell me how to install Ubuntu 11.10 on a HTC Shift? I have searched for hours for a solution and tried some manuals and how tos but nothing works.
The main problem:
- WIFI Marvell SD8686 does not work
I tried lspci, lshw and everything shows nothing about any wlan device.
You will have to decide it it is easier to get that wireless card up and working or purchase an alternate card. You can get a wireless card (usb or internal) that works with Linux for 10-20. With the price dropping, I usually purchase a new wireless.
At any rate, I have no experience with your card, but to get it working you will likely need to download the firmware and build a custom kernel.
These pages have the background information you will need:
The fact that these cards work with OLPC is very encouraging, not sure if the firmware alone will be sufficient or if you will need to read the third link and compile a kernel.
Wish I could give a better answer,but without experience with this card that was the best I could do for you.
Perhaps someone with experience with that card will post a detailed walk thorough.