I have two drives on my machine, both are internal. However, the second drive keeps showing up as external:
- There is no trash facility on that drive. Files are deleted right away.
- In all the file managers there is the 'Dismount' option, which then fails if i try to do that (since the drive's partition is mounted via fstab).
How can i explain to Xubuntu that the drive is actually internal, so that those things will get fixed?
Here's the line in /etc/fstab
/dev/mapper/largevg-work /home/volodya/work ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 2
and also
$ udisksctl dump |grep '^[^ ]\|Remova'
MediaRemovable: true
Removable: true
MediaRemovable: true
Removable: true
MediaRemovable: false
Removable: false
MediaRemovable: false
Removable: false
My 'large' drive is showing false, as you can see. But still...
Based on the fact that only your optical drive and your card reader are reported as removable and the entry
in your fstab, it looks to me like you are confusing a Logical Volume with a physical drive/partition. You might find How do I check / modify LVM state on a pre-installed system? useful, as well as comments 7 and 8 on this bug report. There's a good explanation of the differences between logical and physical volumes here. Since an LVM is assembled from physical volumes and is a logical (virtualized) construct rather than a physical one, it can be changed (I.E. removable). Think of it like your optical drive or card reader in that while both of those devices have physical components, you can change the volume being accessed, hence they are considered removable.My tested solution (Caja,Thunar on Ubuntu 16.04/Linux Mint 18.2) is the mount option x-gvfs-hide in /etc/fstab to hide partition: