I went through some manuals and I didn't understand yet. How do I disable autostart nginx service?
2011-06-12 23:42:14 +0800 CST
How can I make an application automatically start when I have logged in?
Ricardo Reyes
2010-10-26 05:46:01 +0800 CST
I have a daemon that runs fine if I start it manually with the service
ricardo@ricardo-laptop:~$ sudo service minidlna start
* Starting minidlna minidlna [ OK ]
but it's not configured to auto start when the PC reboots.
How can I configure it to start automatically, even if no one is logged into the PC?
Tommy Brunn
2010-09-10 03:55:26 +0800 CST
I've been doing my google-fu, but I can only find outdated guides or guides pertaining solely to the server variations of Ubuntu.
I need to set it up so that ssh server is run on boot, so I can access the computer remotely without having to first physically log in on the host computer. How would I do that? I already have ssh server set up so that I can log in and all that, but first I would have to log in on the host and run sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start
2010-08-05 11:54:17 +0800 CST