I'm trying to set my keyboard's media keys to control my command line player cmus via cmus-remote (pause, prev, next). This works fine with any other keys but the media keys will not register when I'm prompted to push the desired key for a custom shortcut. The media keys do however register just fine when I set them for one of the ubuntu default shortcuts like "play".
Is there a way to get around this limitation? I've tried to edit my dconf and set ctrl + numpad 5 to cmus-remote --pause which works great:
[org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/media-keys/custom-keybindings/custom1] binding='KP_5' command='cmus-remote --pause' name='cmus pause'
Maybe it's enough to simply replace 'binding' with the media pause key? But how can I find out the name that gnome uses for that key?
xev seems to capture the media next key as 'XF86AudioNext' but setting that doesn't seem to work either.