my ~/.local/share/desktop-couch/couchdb.html has the wrong values for port, username and password. It seems quite likely that this is due to a reinstall without formatting /home. My Python scripts work well with my desktopcouch, but I would like to use Futon as well. What is the most elegant way of recreating that file with proper values?
2011-06-06 12:55:47 +0800 CST
Do I need desktopcouch-se service? It seems that it is eating my thinkpad computing resources. Please see below that powertop confirms this. "Ubuntu with no-effects" is running on my thinkpad. Please also take a look at the output of powertop and let me know if there are any unnecessary services are running.
2011-02-24 02:20:52 +0800 CST
I want to ask a Question to the DesktopCouch mailinglist, but nothing happens. The last post is about four month old
Is there a new mailinglist? Or is the mailinglist replaced by