I want to be able to SSH to my home computer with lubuntu 18.04 from my tablet computer when I am not at home. I need this access to practice in programming when I cannot be in front of computer. I live at student apartment and ISP provides Ethernet connection to my room and I do not have any router. Alternatively I can connect to Internet by sharing Mobile data from phone. So I do not have dedicated IP on my computer.
All the instructions that I found in internet says that I must:
- Install Open SSH server on my Ubuntu and open port 22- I have done that.
- Get static domain from DNS service such as www.noip.net - I have done also that, now my lubuntu updates an ip to noip.net every 5 seconds.
- Set port forwarding on the router - I cannot set port forwarding on router as I do not have any router in my scenario.
How to set SSH to my ubuntu if I do not have static IP neither a router at my place?