How I can install Emerald on Ubuntu 12.10?
So, once again, I fell to the allure of the window decorator emerald. Where, just like the first time around, (I know I know) upon attempting to back out of emerald to the safety of compiz I'm faced with a problem.
Seemingly after several minutes or after opening Chrome any window that isn't maximised has it's borders removed (so there's no close, minimise and maximise etc buttons). I can get them breifly back if I reload compiz via fusion-icon. After a brief chat on IRC it appears compiz is crashing. Here's a pastebin log of me running compiz via terminal.
I forgot my two vows of 'Never bother using Windows applications via wine or a VM' and 'Thou shalt never not use compiz'.
***GTK-Window-Decorator log
(gtk-window-decorator:11027): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "pixmap",
Segmentation fault
** also posted on ubuntuforums to widen my scope of help.
Emerald is a nice window decorator, and I am using it with Compiz.
However, I see no option in the Emerald settings to make decorations translucent (i.e. blurred backgrounds), only transparent (see-through).
It would be nice to have the content behind the decorations blurred, especially for titlebars, because otherwise, when the text overlaps, it often looks confusing. You can sort of work around this with different colours, but then again, translucency is so nice!
Does such an option exist? If so, how can it be set?
After installing Emerald theme manager, double clicking title makes the window roll up and down.
How can I restore the normal behavior of maximize/restore?