I have 4 directories: dir1 dir2 dir3 dir4. I want to create a file in each directory. I know I can do this: touch file1.txt and then move it to dir1, then touch file2.txt then move it to dir2 but it takes ages. How can I create a function that creates a text file in each of the directories? Thanks
In my dotfiles I have some functions that rely on aliases or functions to exist for them to work. For some reason, I can get them to reference other functions I have created, but not aliases for commands. How do I fix this?
function open-dotfiles-commit(){
xopen https://github.com/fatso83/dotfiles/blob/$1;
If I have an alias xopen
(alias xopen=xdg-open
), the open-dotfiles-commit
command will fail with xopen: cannot find command
. On the other hand, if I replace the alias definition with a function called xopen
(function xopen(){ xdg-open; };
) it works!
I have even tried setting shopt -s expand_aliases
in the same file as where I define the aliases - unsuccessfully. The alias and functions file is sourced by my .bashrc
I am wondering if there a way to convert a dollar value into words within LibreOffice Calc version
Would Become
One Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty Two Dollars And Nineteen Cents
I've found this function. It was lasted updated in 2010. It isn't compatible. The given example
ERR: 504
Does anyone have an alternative suggestion?
For an assignment I have to write a function that prints the number of even numbers when provided with a sequence of numbers.
I used the piece of code I used for a previous assignment (to print 1
when a number was even and 0
when the number was odd)
My problem now is that my function keeps printing 0
What am I doing wrong?
Here's my script:
# File: nevens.sh
# Write a function called nevens which prints the number of even numbers when provided with a sequence of numbers.
# Check: input nevens 42 6 7 9 33 = output 2
function nevens {
local sum=0
for element in $@
let evencheck=$(( $# % 2 ))
if [[ $evencheck -eq 0 ]]
let sum=$sum+1
echo $sum