I have a small lab (literally) of 3 RBP-3B units with SATA and SD drives attached running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. I have installed software on them to create a Ceph cluster but its tricky and pretty fragile.
Ultimately I would like to administer this "Worlds Smallest Cloud Storage Cluster" concept with Juju and make it the storage backend for an Intel NUC vBlock I won from the OSIC contest at the Openstack summit. Unfortunately I cant find a way to PXE boot the Raspberry Pi 3B, and chip support for this feature is on the horizon but currently not present.
I want to use MaaS to bootstrap the OS and feed these little guys into Juju deployments since its so easy from there to manage everything, but I am having trouble finding a working solution. I know that Juju can add machines after the OS is installed but its not apparent how to do that either, and if I set Juju up to use existing machines I don't know if I can still point it to MaaS controlled systems as well to create a heterogenous mix of gear without breaking functionality.
Any thoughts?