need some help please.
I installed mailman3 and mailman3-web and all the related stuff using apt install ..
The mailman backend seems to work properly. Trying to access the web frontent "postorius" just gives me the starting page showing the postorius logo and some Links to "Lists", "Achives" and so on and an error message in a red box: "This page either doesn't exist, or it moved somewhere else."
my url is :
Looking at the links in the page head leads me to a slightly different url .. . ( missing '3' with mailman) Clicking these links leads to an 404 error.
Why is postorius changing the root directory from mailman3 to mailman ? Of course, these links are not reachable.
I thaugt, this path name was somwhere linked hardcoded. So I changed the apache config to use the root path /mailman/ instead of /mailman3/ . But what happens is: the path given by postorius is now /mailma/.. missing "n" at the end.
How can I fix this ? I don't have any knowledge about programming in python, so I can't debug it myself ..
thanks for any suggestion
Ubuntu 20.04.3
mailman 3.3.2