I'm one of those maniacs who want their music library presented exactly as they want it. :)
I've tried several players (Clementine, Audacious, Amarok, gmusicbrowser, Guayadeque, Nightingale, QMMP, Lollypop, Quod Libet, Rythmbox) but couldn't find a way to achieve these two goals:
1/ In a main /MUSIC/ folder, I have a subfolder per album. But also a few subfolders that I want to exlude from the player's library.
2/ In each album subfolder lies a .m3u file. I'd like the library to consider the contents of this file as an album. (The goal is to prevent the library from browsing say, a compilation album by several artists, and displaying all these artists separately. Maybe there are other solutions to this than looking for .m3u files.)
Back in my Windows days, the album list plugin for Winamp did exactly what I'm looking for today.
Thank you for any pointers.