A few hours ago the dropbox icon in Xubuntu 14.04 stopped working. The icon is black with a red slashed zero. I cannot click on it to bring up the dropbox menu. I believe there was an update right before this happened. I reinstalled then purged dropbox. I even deleted all associated files and hidden folders and after I installed it again. Still, the icon is not working. Tried to stop and start the service... again nothing.
2013-01-22 15:33:00 +0800 CST
I am using Xubuntu 12.10 and would like to change the panel which is currently on the bootm to the top. This is the opposite of what most people using Unity want to do.
I have done this in the past but have forgotten how and could not find the info easily this time. Cheers,
2012-06-13 22:52:49 +0800 CST
I cannot find the proxy settings anywhere. Do I have to set it through terminal, through gconftools
or is there some GUI present for it?
2011-12-23 10:54:20 +0800 CST
I've recently switched to Xubuntu and just noticed a process I've not come across before---tumblerd that was eating about 100MB. I can't find much information about this, except for this on SourceForge. Should I be concerned?
2011-09-24 04:38:44 +0800 CST
I've got an laptop with a intel chip, and I'd like to setup dual monitors in Xfce.
How do I do this?