So I have zathura installed on Ubuntu 18.04 with i3-wm. Zathura works all well but every time I close zathura using the Mod+Shift+Q and then open the PDF next time it always starts from the first page, how do I make zathura to open the last previous page that was being read. It used to work well but then I had to install Ubuntu again for some reason
I use zathura as document viewer but they not provide highlight text option , or I not found any plugin for that.
So I switched to evince but how I configure keybindings in evince actually I saw this question related to keybindings but they not provide from way any file.
Like zathura have file called zathurarc in ~/.config/zathura/zathurarc to set keybindings , I like more vim like keybindings
my question is how to configure evince , is their is any file like evincerc like zathura or there other way to configure it?
I am trying to:
- make some applications transparent using
such that - in tabbed/ stacked mode in
the underlying windows are hidden (or are not drawn).
For example's sake, let us take the application to be zathura
I tried the following in my compton.conf
opacity-rule = [
"90:class_g = 'Zathura' && !_NET_WM_STATE@:32a",
This doesn't make zathura
transparent, but zathura
is hidden if it is beneath any other transparent window in tabbed/ stacked window.
Next I tried the following in compton.conf
opacity-rule = [
"90:class_g = 'Zathura'",
This does make zathura
transparent, but this draws zathura
beneath other windows when in tabbed or stacked mode in i3wm
I found this and tried the suggested solution. That is, I replaced "0:_NET_WM_STATE@:32a *= '_NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN'"
However this made no change. Please help.
My entire compton.conf
is as follows:
menu = { shadow = false; };
dropdown_menu = { shadow = false; };
popup_menu = { shadow = false; };
utility = { shadow = false; };
# Shadow
shadow = true;
no-dnd-shadow = true;
no-dock-shadow = true;
clear-shadow = true;
shadow-radius = 7;
shadow-offset-x = -7;
shadow-offset-y = -7;
shadow-exclude = [
"class_g = 'i3-frame'",
"class_g = 'keynav'",
"name = 'Notification'",
"class_g ?= 'Notify-osd'",
opacity-rule = [
# "90:class_g = 'Zathura'",
"90:class_g = 'Zathura' && !_NET_WM_STATE@:32a",
,"0:_NET_WM_STATE@[1]:32a *= '_NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN'"
,"0:_NET_WM_STATE@[2]:32a *= '_NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN'"
,"0:_NET_WM_STATE@[3]:32a *= '_NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN'"
,"0:_NET_WM_STATE@[4]:32a *= '_NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN'"
# Fading
fading = true;
fade-delta = 5;
fade-in-step = 0.03;
fade-out-step = 0.03;
fade-exclude = [ ];
# Other
backend = "xrender";
mark-wmwin-focused = true;
mark-ovredir-focused = true;
detect-rounded-corners = true;
detect-client-opacity = true;
refresh-rate = 0;
vsync = "none";
dbe = false;
focus-exclude = [ "class_g = 'Cairo-clock'" ];
detect-transient = true;
detect-client-leader = true;
invert-color-include = [ ];
# GLX backend
glx-copy-from-front = false;
glx-swap-method = "undefined";
# Window type settings
tooltip = { fade = true; shadow = true; opacity = 0.75; focus = true; };
so the archwiki explains that zathura needs the package zathura-pdf-mupdf
for EPUB support.
And this askubuntu thread seems to confirm it works on Ubuntu too.
So I have installed the package thanks to the PPA mentioned in the askubuntu post :
user@host :~/Downloads/test $ > dpkg -s zathura-pdf-mupdf | grep Status
Status: install ok installed
user@host :~/Downloads/test $ > zathura --version
zathura 0.4.3
girara 0.3.2 (runtime: 0.3.2)
(plugin) pdf-mupdf (0.3.4) (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/zathura/
And downloaded an example .epub file "Alice in Wonderland" from here.
As you can see below, the file seems to be correctly recognized as an EPUB by my system (as listed here) :
user@host :~/Downloads/test $ > xdg-mime query filetype aliceDynamic.epub
However, zathura
looks like it doesn't recognize it as such, and is unable to read the file, even with the zathura-pdf-mupdf
package :
user@host :~/Downloads/test $ > zathura aliceDynamic.epub
error: Unknown file type: 'application/zip'
Do you know what could be the issue ?
System :
- Ubuntu 18.04
After my recent upgrade (per new install) to Ubuntu 18.04, I have started having quite some troubles with my tool chain (Emacs, Lualatex, Evince). I am using forward/backward search to approximate WYSIWYG LaTeX editing.
Evince has started to crash on recompiling/updating LuaLaTeX. Then I tried zathura (another PDF viewer) instead, and after a view tries, similar crashes happen with zathura as well. Zathura after a while cannot even be started anymore by the commands Emacs issues to control zathura.
I am using Ubuntu 18.04 and the corresponding emacs, evince, and zathura packages as well as some "standard" emacs extensions from the ubuntu package repository.
The relevant portion of my .emacs:
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/lisp/")
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'electric-pair-mode)
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'show-paren-mode)
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)
(add-hook 'TeX-mode-hook 'outline-minor-mode)
(setq TeX-auto-save t)
(setq TeX-parse-self t)
(setq-default TeX-master nil)
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'flyspell-mode)
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'LaTeX-math-mode)
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'turn-on-reftex)
(setq reftex-plug-into-AUCTeX t)
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'company-mode)
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'TeX-source-correlate-mode)
(setq TeX-source-correlate-method 'synctex)
(setq TeX-source-correlate-start-server t)
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'TeX-PDF-mode)
(setq TeX-view-program-selection '((output-pdf "Zathura")))
Emacs generates the following call:
zathura file.pdf --synctex-forward 200:0:sometexinclude.tex -x "emacsclient
+%{line} %{input}"
Called like this, zathura (I do not use a zathura config file) exhibits the following:
zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped) zathura file.pdf
--synctex-forward 200:0:sometexinclude.tex -x
Evince also crashes with SIGSEGV which leads me to believe that is a problem independent of the viewers.
The last thing I found out is that taking away the synctex.gz file makes it possible to start zathura and view the pdf output. But this is of course no desirable solution. However, I was not able to quickly find out how to find the core dump and make it human readable in this case. (That might exceed the scope of my problem.)
A description of that issue occurring with large documents in an OS X setting is described here: For me, it also happens more often the longer (60+ pages) the documents are, however, in my case under Linux.
Hope to get some help? (Should I transfer/share this question to/with the emacs community?)