Recently my PC cannot shutdown (Ubuntu 16.04). Each time I have to turn it off manually using the on/off button on the computer. Restart works fine.
When I try shutting down the usual way, the screen remains blocked as it will shut down in a few seconds. A violet screen with a little Central "ubuntu" word with 5 dots below it, four lit red, one lit white. Running sudo init 0
and sudo shutdown now
have the same result.
However, I can restart and open the PC with Windows 7 and then shutdown regularly. What should I do?
Try using this in terminal
Emergency shutdown in a graceful way
Press both the alt and PrintScreen keys all the time and one of the R E I S U O keys one after another slowly.
If it is a laptop you might also need to press the Fn key like so:
Press the three keys Fn and alt and PrintScreen keys all the time
and one of the R E I S U O keys one after another slowly.
Emergency reboot in a graceful way
The corresponding system request sequence for reboot is similar.
O 'Off' is replaced by B 'Boot'.
in a laptop maybe the three keys Fn and alt and PrintScreen keys all the time
The letter key sequence should be R E I S U B
See the following links for more details,
Restart Ubuntu via keyboard
Try this is in Terminal :